Mountain Dreamers

I want to give you the joy of dreaming big dreams,
the curiosity to see what is behind the mountain, and the love for the wild nature.

Daily Blog for my Boys->>




Journeys and Maps

Where do you want to go?

Aspiring Greatness

How to be great in Life…

Summits of your Life

Pursue your dreams…

Philosophy and Ideas

Who do you want to be?

”We shall not cease exploring…”

Life is a journey, not a destination. Aiming high and seeking greatness is the best long-term strategy to find happiness. I wish, I could make this journey with you, teach you how to conquer the small summits, so you can aim for the big ones one day. I wish, I could be your mentor, inspiring you with new ideas and advising you when necessary.

Life is so full of beauty and magic — together we can explore the world with you through this blog.

And maybe one day, hopefully, I pray, we will be together again.

An Ocean of Dreams

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2002 – 2014

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Into the Wild

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A Voyage Into Altitude

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Once Around Europe

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Where The Wild Things Are
2012 / 2013

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Oh, The Places We Have Been
2008 – 2012

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20 Years of Putnam Family
1996 – 2017

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Life is a Journey,
not a Destination.

Greatness can be found everywhere — join us!

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It has been 2143 Days since I saw or heard from my boys! Please help.