Using a rocket to hit a golf ball get hit at 500 miles per hour! Toys for boys. See even when you are adult, you get to have boyhood fun. Childhood never ends. I love you boys, Papa.
Category: Uncategorized
Speed of Light
300 Million meters per second! Incomprehensibly fast, and more bizarrely it is a constant- according to Einstein. The slo-mo guys provide a visualization to get some perspective. Very cool.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Brig, Soren & Reidar:
please read Daniel 3, the story of 3 children Shadrach, Melshach and Abednego. They refused to bow to Lise-Anne’s tyranny (the king) and the fake gold statue of her narrative.
It is an archetypal story that happens over and over…
You will survive the Furnace of Hell, just like those three children. You will survive, you are safe and stronger than your tyrant.
Maintain hope, I am here for you. Love Papa,_Meshach,_and_Abednego
Indoor Parcour!
Brig, Soren & Reidar,…I Hope you invent fun indoors Parcour during the quarantine. Missing you. Wish we do these things again.
Cat Flu
The Simpson’s predicted Coronvirus many years ago.
This is hilarious. And even funnier, because it is so true.
Brig, Soren and Reidar- respect satire. Sometimes it is the only place where truth is allowed
Love never felt so good
This is my favorite song today, locked in my apartment. Love never felt so good. Michael Jackson is a genius. Love it.
You can watch this endlessly. Physics, motion, reality. The more simple the race, the more you understand the real world. Lava lamps have same effect.
Google Stasi
Brig, Soren, Reidar-
The censoring of information is going to get more intense, and hidden under the excuse of “terms of service”. Coronavirus is more dangerous to our freedoms than to our health.
Not only can ideas not hurt you, they are essential to a successful life and society. Be brave. Pursue ideas, pursue truth, and don’t let people censor you. I love you.
Mercator Anomaly
Brilliant map. Show the anomaly,… then as an intelligent human you can adjust easily
TikTok Hacks
Brig, Soren & Reidar. Keep yourself laughing while on lockdown. I miss you. You can find me on TikTok [@putnamboys]. please send in your own funny videos. love papa