

Brig, Soren and Reidar- Please read through my friend Brian’s report.

He is bringing some data to the EVIL your mother is engaged in. Most allegations of domestic abuse are FALSE. Most.

What is really happening in Family Court?


1. ONS – Marriages in England and Wales Table 4

2. ONS – Divorces in England and Wales

3. ONS – Birth in England and Wales: Summary Tables

4. ONS – Domestic abuse prevalence and trends, England and Wales: year ending March 2019 Section 4

5. Child Maintenance Service – National Tables to September 2020 Table 6

6. Cafcass Cafcass Cymru


8. Quarterly suicide death registrations in England: 2001 to 2019 registrations and Quarter 1 (Jan to Mar) to Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2020 provisional data

9. NHS

10. Sir Andrew McFarlane President of Ministry of Justice Family Division (Page 8)

11. Brian Hudson – The Family Court Domestic Abuse Scandal Exposed in Numbers 27.07.2020

12. Brian Hudson – The Family Court Domestic Abuse Scandal Exposed in Numbers 27.07.2020

13. Brian Hudson – The Family Court Domestic Abuse Scandal Exposed in Numbers 27.07.2020

14. Brian Hudson – The Family Court Domestic Abuse Scandal Exposed in Numbers 27.07.2020


16. Brian Hudson – Child Maintenance Service & the Link to Suicide 26.11.2020

17. Fatherhood Institute policy briefing, Addressing Fatherlessness: how Government can strengthen the active presence of fathers in their children’s lives October 2012 [accessed via: (15/04/13)]

18. CSJ, Norgrove Report fails children by not giving fathers access rights, says Centre for Social Justice, 2011 [accessed via: (17/01/13)]

17. Page 57

18. Glynn M and Addaction, Dad and Me: Research into the problems caused by absent fathers, 2011

19. Wellings K, Nanchanahal K and MacDowall W, ‘Sexual behaviour in Britain: Early heterosexual experience’ The Lancet, 388, pp1843–50 cited in CIVITAS, Experiments in Living: The Fatherless Family, London: CIVITAS, September 2002 [accessed via: pdf/Experiments.pdf (16/01/13)] CIVITAS, Experiments in Living, Op. cit. London School of Economics and Political Science, Boys with absent fathers more likely to be young fathers, 7 September 2011 [accessed via: (06/08/12)]

20. Horn W and Sylvester T, Father facts: 4th Edition, 2002, National Fatherhood Initiative; U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), The relationship between family structure and adolescent substance abuse, 1996, Rockville, MD: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information; Harper C and McLanahan S ‘Father absence and youth incarceration’, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, 1998; Brenner E, Fathers in prison: A review of the data, 1999, Philadelphia, PA: National Centre on Fathers and Families

21. Wellings K, et al, Op. cit. Ellis B et al, ‘Does father absence place daughters at special risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy?’ Child Development, 74, 2003, pp801–821 cited in Andrews K, Maybe ‘I do’: modern marriage and the pursuit of happiness, 2012, Connor Court

22. Harper C and McLanahan S, ‘Father Absence and Youth Incarceration,’ Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2004, pp369–397