Men’s Health Magazine Celebrates Body Positivity With First Obese Cover Model August 12th, 2020

U.S.—In a move being hailed as a progressive win for men everywhere, Men’s Health magazine is encouraging body positivity by introducing the world’s first “fat positive” fitness model, Chip O’Doyle, in its next issue.
“It’s time to normalize normal male body-types,” said Xander Cinnamon, newly hired Editor in Chief for the fitness mag. “Most men don’t look like Mark Wahlberg or Chris Pratt, and most don’t spend all their time eating healthy or working out. We need to start featuring male fitness icons with diverse body types men can actually relate to!”
Men’s Health says this is all a part of a new initiative to “dismantle traditional western cis-male heteronormative patriarchal concepts of what health and fitness actually look like.” They hope to be featuring many more overweight cover models in the coming months. Articles in this next edition will include expert advice on how to finish an entire plate of nachos without using your hands, and how to become an expert at Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch with only 5 minutes of training per day.
Men’s Health is hoping this change will lead to increased sales at the one CVS Pharmacy in Boise, Idaho where it’s still being sold in print.