Doing manual labor can be so satisfying and fullfilling. With some simple tools and materials you can build all sorts of things, whether a bookshelf or a little table. It requires care and attention, but then seeing the end result can make you so happy. Building something, crafting something is what we are supposed to do in life. Sometimes you literally build something, sometimes its more abstract – like building your friendships or your career. Either way, it is a process which needs practice and dedication. You dont learn it within one or two hours, but you improve with every time. Becoming a good Friend for somebody requires time and dedication, just like becoming a skilled carpinter.
Keeping notes of dreams, plans, ideas and travel destinations. Writing them out helps in concretizing and structuring them. Sometimes there are so many thoughts and ideas in one’s head that its difficult to even know where to begin … you can organize them in just a few little notes.
When parapenting…  the launch is the most critical decision of all, and you much pick “a good moment”  to begin the flight.
There are no fixed rules or recipe for the momemt, but more appropriately it must feel right, in your gut.
Some of the elements are:  The correct amount of wind in your face, a calm mind, a clear runway, and  a firm confidence in your soul as you run off a cliff. When the moment presents iteself, you run resolutely. If the moment does not appear, then you wait, and perhaps even wait until another day.
In English there is an expression that “timing is everything …and means nothing” and while it means simply that timing is critical for success/survival, the second half of the expression (sometimes ommitted) relates that all the proper fundamental training, prepartion, and intrinsic understanding is not sufficient for success/survival. You must have the element of “a good moment” too.