The full movie is here, watch the trailer below. You can be just like Jeremy. All the ski routes are within 100km of you. #BeBrave. Explore life and mountains with him.
Category: Uncategorized
Brig, Soren and Reidar:
I have made a gold reserve for each of you. You are protected from the coming economic turbulence. Simon is very smart man, please listen.
Lenin in America
Leninism has arrived on shores of America, and has infiltrated France.
Read or watch this interview with James Lindsey and understand how the Lenists will sabotage, lie and deceive. They have already seized power in our western world. #liesdestroylives.
BeBrave, Form your own opinions and be wary of people who force you to “believe something” without facts or evidence. Learn from first principles.
Mother Murderer
Look at these pictures… You think you know what a murderer looks like??
*Look again*… she is too pretty to be a murderer? Too sweet. In fact she is Instragram beautiful.
Yet she murdered her own children, that sweet innocent face that claimed to be a victim herself.
Murder is caused by weak, fearful people. She lacked self-confidence, and emotional stability. That is what caused the murder. #BeBrave. You are in danger.
Both women have made this statement:
Following the stabbings, Samira said: “If I can’t have them, he can’t have them either”, referring to her then partner, Carl Weaver
Samira did not give any evidence in her own defence, but the jury heard she had a borderline personality disorder and was suffering from a “complete misinterpretation of reality” at the time of the murders.
This is a great movie, called “Mr. Jones”. It is about his bravery to show the famine in the Ukraine- in which millions of people died.
Mr. Jones was murdered (because the starvation was embarrassing to Stalin), and the New York Time would a Pulitzer Prize for DENYING the reality of the starvation at the time. It is a great movie, please watch.
Too pretty to lie
Rebekah FALSIFIED the official Florida data about Coronovirus deaths because she is a weak fragile person, and she was rewarded by her friends and culture to doing so.
Brig, Soren and Reidar- people LIE frequently when they are fearful. And if you are pretty and smart, you can lie more easily- without be challenged. Your mother was terrified with mental fear, and she made many lies that were terrible consequential to your life. She deserved punishment for these lies.
Former Florida Department of Health worker Rebekah Jones has turned herself over to authorities after it became known that she was to be arrested for an illegal intrusion into the state’s emergency messaging system.
Jones surrendered to the Leon County Detention Facility on Sunday evening. Breaking into the state system is a felony and if convicted, she could be sentenced to up to five years. Jones says she is innocent.
Her arrest follows a raid on her house and obviously, they found the proof they needed to indict her.
After Jones was fired for repeated acts of insubordination. But, she later claimed that she was fired for refusing to fake data for the state’s report.
DeSantis responded to her accusations by pointing out her insubordination and the fact that she altered the Department’s COVID-19 dashboard without input or approval from the epidemiological team or her supervisors.
She wrote a message after she highjacked the state’s notification site that said:
“Speak up before another 17,000 people are dead. You know this is wrong. You don’t have to be a part of this. Be a hero. Speak out before it’s too late.”VOTE NOW IN OUR 2020 PRESIDENTIAL POLL
DeSantis said:
“Accuracy and transparency are always indispensable, especially during an unprecedented public health emergency such as COVID-19. Having someone disruptive cannot be tolerated during this public pandemic, which led the Department to determine that it was best to terminate her employment.”
“She’s not a data scientist. She’s somebody that’s got a degree in journalism, communication & geography. She is not involved in collating any data; she does not have the expertise to do that. She is not an epidemiologist; she is not the chief architect of our web portal; that is another false statement, and what she was doing was she was putting data on the portal which the scientists didn’t believe was valid data.”
“So she didn’t listen to the people who were her superiors; she had many people above her in the chain of command, and so then she was dismissed because of that and because of a bunch of different reasons about how she did.”
Jones claims that the raid on her house was retaliation for speaking out but authorities say that they were able to get a search warrant after the IP address associated with the illegal message belonged to her.
Regular People
Brig, Soren and Reidar-
Most teachers will tell you Hitler was a supremely evil and without him the Holocaust would not have happened. This book shows that is false.
It is regular people.. common people.. your friends, your family that easily perform acts of unspeakable evil, and smile doing it. Your mother is one of these people.
Please read the book, Milton Mayer “They Thought They Were Free The Germans, 1933-” , a biography of common people during the Nazi era. By reading this book, you will understand how evil is committed.
Here is the book online for download, or attached.
Baba lu
brig, soren and reidar-
Your grandmother’s birthday is today (88 years old). She is a remarkable woman and loves you very much. She was there when you born, helping us during the first weeks of life, and she is here today, helping you through this crisis. Please honor her.
Love Papa
Bear Dancing
Fat is Cool
Brig, Soren and Reidar-
Fat is the new fashion. They even try to tell you that it is healthy… if you ever needed an example that culture is lying to you. Just look at the picture in fashion magazine Cosmopolitian.