No yellow vests, but the drone video describes everything.
Category: Uncategorized
Europe has a deranged view of “work” (travail). They think if you just pay people with imaginary fiat money, without doing any productive effort, that is sufficient. This fails the smell test of even an elementary school student.
In the USA, the number of unemployment people surged to 40 million during Coronavirus, but countries in Europe did not see any significant changed in unemployed people. Instead the Euro governments pay people NOT TO WORK, and pretend that everything is okay (read FT article below). Germany has been doing this since 2008, pretending people are employed.
It is so obvious to an observer…. that people need meaning in their life, more than they need money. People are not starving or homeless. Instead people need purpose and a reason to get out of bed and do something kind and productive with themselves… This is nothing more destructive than idleness. Nihilism, and the lack of meaning.
You mother is perfect example of mental illness that comes from lacking meaning and purpose in her life. She lost meaning, and destroyed our family.
France is currently on the path of destroying its economy, and breaking the direct linkage between Work and Meaning. Your mother lost her pride, her meaning, and had no reason to get out of bed in the morning. Lise-Anne pretended that she worked for years, just like these programs in Europe– read the attestations and fraud about her work claims.
I love you- and be brave. Papa.
Article from the Financial Times
France to extend crisis jobs scheme for up to two years Labour minister says long extension will be needed to avert mass unemployment France’s economy and finance minister Bruno Le Maire and the labour minister Muriel Penicaud
France’s “temporary unemployment” scheme to avert mass bankruptcies and lay-offs as a result of the coronavirus crisis will be extended, and is now expected to last up to two years, the country’s labour minister said. The biggest European economies, including Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Spain, rolled out or enhanced such schemes when the pandemic triggered lockdowns across the continent that sharply reduced economic activity and made it impossible for millions of workers to do their jobs. Muriel Pénicaud, the labour minister, said that at the end of April some 8.6m employees were benefiting from the French scheme, under which the state pays subsidies to companies to fund the salaries of those prevented from working. “We are going to put in place a long-term partial-activity scheme,” Ms Pénicaud told Franceinfo radio, “through which employees could have fewer working hours and be partly supported by the state.” The scheme “is likely to last a year or two,” she added. Germany pioneered the extended use of such ‘Kurzarbeit’, or short-time work, schemes following the global financial crisis of 2008. After the Covid-19 pandemic began sweeping across Europe earlier this year more than 40m workers in Europe’s five biggest economies, or their employers, applied to have a large part of their wages paid by the government. Ms Pénicaud did not say what share of wages the French government would continue to pay — currently 84-100 per cent of net salary for the lower paid — but that this was under discussion with employers and trade unions. She also said the government would make 50,000 inspections before the end of the summer to detect and punish fraudulent use of the scheme. Although the immediate cost to governments runs into billions of euros — France’s public sector deficit is set to rise to 11.4 per cent of gross domestic product this year from 3 per cent in 2019 — ministers say the alternative of paying benefits to millions of unemployed workers would also be expensive. The temporary unemployment scheme limits long-term damage to economies by preserving skills. “I think it makes sense even if the fiscal cost is going to be huge,” said Gilles Moec, Axa chief economist. “There would be less of a prominent loss in terms of skills and human capital if we could keep people attached. We may end up ultimately in a situation where some sectors and some companies may not survive, but we don’t know yet.” Other European governments have either announced or are considering extensions to their schemes. Germany’s government said last week when it unveiled a fiscal stimulus plan that it would come up with rules in September on how the Kurzarbeit scheme might work in 2021 “in the light of what is happening with the pandemic”. The UK government recently extended its flagship job retention scheme until the end of October, while asking companies to share the cost of idled workers from the start of August. Spain’s emergency temporary leave scheme is scheduled to expire at the end of this month, but ministers have recently indicated they are open to extending it — particularly for hard-hit sectors such as tourism. Italy has approved measures for extending the unemployment schemes for five extra weeks until August 31. On top of this, additional weeks were approved until the end of October for companies operating in tourism, events, amusement parks and entertainment.
Lise-Anne Birthday
Lise-Anne- Happy 53rd birthday. 13-June-2020
In your own writing:
“Our marriage is timeless, — it is about being best friends and wanting it work. There is no going back, no way out. The only way to go is up…”
Wise words in 1996,
Brig, Soren and Reidar-
This hysterical woman called the Police, and falsely claimed a man was attacking her.
She was actually walking her dog illegally in a bird sanctuary in Central Park, and rather than face the consequences of her actions, or act politely- she hysterically called police that “a man was violent, and threatening her”.
Sound familiar? It is how Lise-Anne’s acts.
Watch how the woman treats her dog. That is how Lise-Anne treats you, our beautiful children.
Father-Son Dream
Watch Lex interview his father. 100th episode for celebration. Honor, integrity and respect. Both are amazing people. Physicist father, brilliant son.
My dream with Brig, Soren and Reidar… enjoy. love papa.
…starting with monsters under the bed, sharks, or just fear of failure on a school test, or ski race. It is essential for development of a stable human being. Facing the fear of getting rejected by a beautiful girl. Fear is normal part of successful life.
Julius Jones
Brig, Soren and Reidar:
This could be you. On death row, and spending years in prison because somebody makes false allegations against you.
Julius Jones is on death row in Oklahoma, despite maintaining his innocence and overwhelming evidence that he was wrongfully convicted. Another man falsely claimed that Jones was the killer and became the Prosecutors’s key witness- no other evidence was presented. It was a plea deal by this man to have his jail sentence reduced to 15 years. – he is now free man, while Julius rots in jail.
The courts and prosecutors would rather a young man die, than acknowledge they made a terrible error. Same familiar theme. Just like your mother, unable to acknowledge her false allegations.
stay strong, love papa.
The last defense:
Brig, Soren and Reidar:
Watch this video from Buffalo New York where police knock down a 75-year old man, he cracks his head, he is bleeding and police simply ignore him. The video is critical, because it shows exactly what happened, and more importantly what comes next.
The behavior by police is so outrageous, criminal and clear in the video that the 2 police officers where immediately suspended from work.
But rather that the Police department ACCEPTING that this video is real, and censuring the behavior of these officers as despicable, immoral and criminal. Nope. Instead, the other Police Officers DENIED that it happened, and all the other 57 members of the police force resigned in protest. They could not bear to watch themselves on the video, and see themselves act so despicably. They DENY their behavior by protesting and claiming innocence when the video is overwhelming. They are weak people, unable to accept idea that committed an atrocious act.
This is how other Catholic priests act when graphic evidence of pedophilia is uncovered in the Church. They DENY it, and double-down on their alliance to the Church. They claim people are against the church, rather than against pedophilia.
I have told you repeatedly about doctors who were killing mothers in childbirth could not tolerate the overwhelming evidence from Dr. Semmelweis that their lack of hand-washing was killing people. It is the same DENIAL of truth– those doctors are weak people and prefer atrocious immoral behavior just to save themselves from their psychological demons. Instead they actually killed Dr. Semmelweis– unable to face the obvious reality of hand-washing. Incredible how weak people are.
Brig, Soren and Reidar- this is the same behavior of your mother. DENIAL to facts and reality. She cannot face the crimes she has committed against the family with all its graphic unassailable evidence. She blocks all information to you. Be brave, and look at the evidence on
Stay strong. We will break this wall of DENIAL.
love papa
Daniel Shaver
Brig, Soren and Reidar-
Another brutal murder by police of unarmed man- Daniel Shaver. It was caused by a hysterical woman calling Police , the woman said “I saw a man with a gun”. The police responded with hysterical fear, vitriol- just listen and watch the police officer. Please watch, it is unbelievable.
This could have been me shot by Police. You mother called the Police on me and said I had a gun when I did not. They threw me up against car and treated me like a criminal. You mother calls the police hysterically against me, and your grandmother, anytime she is having a panic attack.
Daniel Shaver had a BB toy gun, and in Arizona it is legal to carry a gun anyway. The Police could have simply asked Daniel Shaver if he had a gun and why.
The woman, and the Police are guilty of this murder. It is horrific.