Good information you have to search for, and read below. The information given to you at school is poison.

- Le Point, November 21, 2020: “Pierre-André Taguieff: some ‘Islamo-leftists’ are ‘Islamismophiles'” . Defend “the religion of the poor”, abolish “state Islamophobia” … For the philosopher, there are many reasons for becoming Islamismophiles. Interview by Laetitia Strauch-Bonart
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- T elos, November 19, 2020: “Decolonial ideology: Latin Americanism, a key element of the“ Atlantic triangle ”” . By Renée Fregosi.
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- Le Point, November 18, 2020: “Europe of research and funding of the Muslim Brotherhood” . The anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler denounces the selection processes of European research which are the bedrock of Islamism.
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- Figarovox, November 17, 2020: “The brutalization of the world is always promoted by militant intellectuals” . By offering a refuge to the racialist theses of the post-colonial movement, the university world lodges within it intellectual currents which can only lead to a brutalization of social relations, considers Renée Fregosi.
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- Marianne, November 16, 2020: “Faced with Islamism, the ‘victim left’ does not assume its responsibilities” . Manuel Boucher, university professor in sociology at the UPVD, reviews the rhetoric of Clémentine Autain of rebellious France. According to her, the universalist and republican left is participating in the emergence of fascism.
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- Persuasion, November 15, 2020: “No, Racism Is Not to Blame for Every Terror Attack in France” . US news reports, from both the left and right, keep misrepresenting the problem. By Hugo Micheron and Bernard Haykel.
- Figarovox, November 10, 2020: MAJOR INTERVIEW WITH PIERRE-ANDRE TAGUIEFF: “Taguieff:“ Decolonialism is the senile disease of the contemporary intellectual left ”” . The philosopher denounces the growing influence of decolonialism within the left in a recently published essay entitled “The decolonial deception”.
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- Nonfiction, November 2, 2020: “ Gender, race and social sciences (3/4) – Managerial and political issues ” . In this third part of a critical examination of postcolonial research, François Rastier details their political agenda and the development of their economic sector.
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- Nonfiction, October 29, 2020: “ Sex, race and social sciences (2/4) – Historiographical revisions ” . In this second part of a critical examination of postcolonial research, François Rastier precise revisions of history they impose.
- L’Opinion, October 28, 2020: COLLECTIVE TRIBUNE DE VIGILANCE UNIVERSITIES: “After the assassination of Samuel Paty, the language of wood in education” . For collective defense of secularism, many teachers ‘unions and university presidents’ avoid naming Islamist ideology “that inspired the attack.
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- Nonfiction, October 26, 2020: ” Sex, race and social sciences (1/4) – The support of guardianship “ . In this first part of a critical examination of postcolonial research, François Rastier questions the marked but questionable support they receive from the tutelage, starting with the CNRS.
- Liberation, October 26, 2020: “At the source of ‘Islamo-leftism’” . The philosopher Pierre-André Taguieff looks back on the origins of a concept that he helped to forge. According to him, the questionable polemical uses of the term should not prevent recognition that it designates a real problem: the collusion between extreme left groups and Islamist movements of various orientations. By Pierre-André Taguieff, philosopher, political scientist and historian of ideas.
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- Atlantico, October 22, 2020: “DEVOTION: How the Islamists succeeded in infiltrating academic thought on … Islamism” . After the Conflans-Sainte-Honorine attack, many questions arise about the challenges at the heart of National Education. The university is also concerned. Is university thought sufficiently mobilized in the face of certain ideologies? Are researchers working on Islamism having difficulty? Interview with Florence Bergeaud-Blackler.
- Le Point, October 22, 2020: “Why the school has not finished with the Islamists” . Anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, researcher at CNRS, details the educational plan of the Muslim Brotherhood. Striking …
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
- Nonfiction, October 7, 2020: “ Sex, race and social sciences (4/4 ) – Against cultural sciences ” : In this last part of a critical examination of postcolonial research, François Rastier clarifies the contradictions between Cultural Studies and the sciences of the culture.
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- L’Opinion, October 6, 2020: “Decolonialism: at the university, resistance is organized” . Teachers are showing their opposition to “diktats” and “pillory”, mandarins from the academic world want to prevent prestigious schools from being phagocytosed. Against all-out differentialism, a low-noise response is taking place.
- Actu Philosophia, September 11, 2020: Interview with Jean-François Braunstein (part 2) about The philosophy that has become mad. Le genre, l’Animal, la Mort, Grasset, 2018. See in particular chapter D: “Political correctness at university”.
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- Conversation, August 28, 2020: “College: stop pseudo-sciences! Who to raise an “anti-wokism” shield in France? “ . While in the United States the situation on campuses is so degraded that everyone falls for fake news announcing floors reserved for “Blacks” in university residences, the theses of the most misguided anti-racism win the hexagon. Current of thought: wokism. Method: cancel culture. We explain to you. By Hala Oukili.
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- Quillette, August 21, 2020: “International Scholars Must Resist the American Campaign to Inject Racial Tribalism Into Science. » By Andreas Bikfalvi and Marcel Kuntz. (Translation in French by Peggy Sastre published in Le Point on September 19, 2020 and available here ).
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- Le Point, July 17, 2020: COLLECTIVE TRIBUNE: “ “ Decolonialism ”, a hegemonic strategy : the call of 80 intellectuals ” . They are philosophers, historians, professors… They denounce movements which, under the guise of the struggle for emancipation, reactivate the idea of “race”.
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- Mezetulle, Catherine Kintzler’s blog, June 30, 2020: “Anti-racism, accusation of identity and expiation in academia. The example of a learned society ” .
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- Télérama, March 31, 2020: “Cultural appropriation: towards a new form of censorship? “ . To avoid offending minorities, scripts and manuscripts are submitted to “sensitivity readers”, consultants from their ranks. At the risk of sacrificing art on the altar of morality and political correctness?
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- L’Obs, February 13, 2020: “All together against fascism in art schools” . Writer, university professor and literary critic, Pierre Jourde asks himself a few questions.
- Marianne, January 25, 2020: “Indigenism, decolonialism: a ‘subversion’, soluble in neoliberalism” . From ENS Lyon to Paris-VIII via Aix-Marseille University, adherence to postmodern theories (gender, decolonialism, etc.), often from the United States, has won universities. With the ambition of “deconstructing” the humanities, activist researchers and students are leading an intellectual battle held to be dissenting. But is she really?
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- L’Opinion, October 30, 2019: “Science without conscience – Freedom of expression: the American drift of universities. » Agacinski affair, Sifaoui affair: political correctness and the assertion of minority rights have spread widely in the faculties. Added to this is a very French dimension, the penalization of certain opinions.
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- Liberation, October 28, 2019: Laurent Joffrin’s column: “The spirit of censorship at the university”
- Le Monde, September 25, 2019: COLLECTIVE TRIBUNE: “The ‘decolonial’ thought reinforces the narcissism of small differences” . A group of 80 rebels psychoanalysts, in an article in “World” against the growing influence of a dogma which they ignores the rule of personal experience and denies the specificity of the human.
- Charlie Hebdo, May 1, 2019: “The UNEF offers a religious burial to secularism and universalism” . “Shame”, “We are angry”, “They are stupid” … When we talk about the former UNEF on the new generation, we take the measure of the fracture. Between the request for the cancellation of the reading of Charb’s text and the election of a veiled spokesperson in 2018 or the ban of the play Les Suppliantes at the Sorbonne this year, the Unef is showing its positions in total opposition to its secular and universalist history. Several elders who had not spoken until then take the floor to denounce a drift. How did this shift take place? Investigation of the “intersectional” Unef.
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- Le Monde, April 15, 2019: “Debates on race, gender …: rising tensions in universities” . The blocking of the play “Les Suppliantes” by Aeschylus at the Sorbonne by militants of the black cause is emblematic of the development of these tensions.
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- Marianne, April 12, 2019: “How the“ decolonials ”lead the“ college war . ” In a few years, intersectional theories have imposed themselves in the social science lecture halls, on the benches as on the podium. To such an extent that ‘it becomes dangerous to question these theses.
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- Marianne, April 11, 2019: DOSSIER. “The offensive of those obsessed with race, sex, gender, identity…”. There are many signs that a new anti-racist activism bordering on racism is spreading in our society. Universities, unions, media, culture, political parties… This current of thought born in the United States “colonizes” all debates.
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- Liberation, April 2, 2019: ” Censored Aeschylus play: the misinterpretation of a misguided anti-racism “ . For the Vigilance Universities network, the colonial “blackface” should not be confused with an artistic choice of staging. The boycott of representation is a form of censorship which “harms the very cause it claims to defend”.
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- Charlie Hebdo, February 27, 2019: “Identity: When the left loses control. The identity will be the human race. “ Where we will discover a coherence that is unknown, from the Mrap to the party of the Indigenous people of the Republic, through the Unef and the so-called” decolonial “summer camps. A growing part of the left has lost control and is now betting on the individual – man, woman, white, black, Arab, fat, old, disabled, young, old, etc. – against belonging to a single humanity. Charlie has chosen his camp: that of universalism.
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- Le Monde, January 11, 2019: “At university, two camps clash, with insults, on the word ‘race'” . In his column, Michel Guerrin, editor-in-chief of “Le Monde”, underlines the struggle between the human sciences and the universalists and communitarians, and how “decolonial” thought is gaining ground in universities.
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- Le Point, December 12, 2018: “Fired from his lab for opposing decolonial theories? ” A sociologist who denounced the grip of theories” racialist “on its research unit has been ousted. A rare phenomenon in academia.
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- Figarovox, October 12, 2018: “The hatred of the Jews, the hatred of France and the hatred of the West intersect” . With great semantic and conceptual precision, Pierre-André Taguieff looks back on the many controversies raised by the use of the words “race” and “racism”. According to him, a new form of racism is sometimes hidden under a perverted anti-racism.
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- Marianne, June 5, 2018: “A sectarian anti-racism attacking the universities: malaise in the youthful culture”
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- Figarovox, November 22, 2017: “ Islamist entryism at university: help us Mr. Blanquer! ” . The invitation of Houria Bouteldja, spokesperson for the Indigènes de la République, at the University of Limoges was canceled. However, neo-racist and Islamist theses are more and more present within the university. By Céline Pina.
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- Causeur, November 20, 2017: “ Université Lyon 2, the Islamist temptation ”. Faced with the mobilization of secular movements, the presidency of Lyon 2 has canceled in disaster an academic conference where one of the speakers was stuck S! A case that testifies to the growing influence of Islamo-leftism on the faculty.
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- Press release from LICRA and the Laïcité République Committee, October 2, 2017: “A“ laïcophobic ”conference at the Université Lumière Lyon 2” . On October 14th, Université Lumière Lyon 2 is organizing a conference on the theme “Fighting against Islamophobia: an issue of equality.” The list of participants and the nature of their political commitment today lead LICRA and the Secularism Committee Republic to respond and alert against the university’s political exploitation.
- Le Monde, June 10, 2017: ” The left torn apart by ‘anti-racist racism’ “ . The militant use of notions such as “race” or “Islamophobia” arouses growing unease in the social movement. By Jean Birnbaum.
- Le Monde, July 5, 2016: “Accused of Islamophobic manipulation, the director of the IUT of Saint-Denis is released” . Suspended from his duties for eight months, Samuel Mayol will return to his post.
- Conspiracy Watch, May 30, 2008: “The Islamo-leftist space” . Extract from Pierre-André Taguieff , La Judeophobie des Modernes. From Enlightenment to Global Jihad (Paris, Odile Jacob, 2008, pp. 414-424).
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- France Culture, September 27, 2020, “Sign of the times” program by Marc Weitsmann: “Identity politics in the United States, from racism to“ cancel culture ” . What is Cancel culture? Does this phenomenon exist to the point of threatening to implode the American left and ensure the re-election of Donald Trump? Exclusive Interview with Thomas Chatterton Williams.
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- France Culture, July 16, 2020, program “Le temps du debate” (Emmanuel Laurenti): “Cancel culture”: is the debate possible? “ . Sexism, racism … The “cancel culture”, a sort of boycott organized on the internet, is now on the lookout for the slightest misstep from public figures. While some see it as a new censorship, others advocate a new way of activating. At the risk of radicalizing and polarizing the debate?
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- France Culture, October 25, 2020, issue “sign of the times” (Mark Weitzman): “Crisis in education and crisis of the left after the assassination of Samuel Paty” . With Jean-Louis Obin, Honorary Inspector General of National Education, author of the report known as the “Obin report” in 2004 on signs and manifestations of religious affiliation in schools, author of “how we let Islamism penetrate school ”(2020), Laurence de Cock, historian lecturer at Diderot University, Mélanie Luce, president of UNEF and Marika Bret, work environment manager at Charlie Hebdo.
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” Islamogauchisme, the betrayal of the European dream “ – a film written and directed by Yves Azeroual
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“This film is dedicated to #SamuelPaty and to all the victims of Islamist terrorism. “
Why and how did a handful of intellectuals and politicians from the left and the far left, few in number but very influential in the media and in the human rights movement, imposed a veritable sanctuary of Islam in French political space to the point of becoming complacent with Islamism in the name of #PasDAmalgame? Why these intellectuals and these politicians, for the most part agnostics and libertarians, have they sunk into #IslamoGauchisme with its victim ideology and its culture of excuse?
In his shocking documentary, Yves Azéroual identifies the roots of evil, points to the troubled actions of political, media, associative and intellectual figures, ideological complicity, and, in fine, highlights the risks, for our European democracy, of seeing the political and radical Islam prevail to the detriment of Enlightenment Islam. In a disturbing face to face with the extreme right.
Speakers: Jean-Luc BENNHAMIAS; Jean BIRNBAUM; Zorah BITTAN; Christophe BOURSEILLER; Laurent BOUVET; Pascal BRUCKNER; Jean-François COLOSIMO; Raphaël ENTHOVEN; Caroline FOUREST; Jacques JULLIARD; Djorje KUZMANOVIC; Christophe MADROLLE; Céline PINA; François PUPPONI; Mohamed SIFAOUI; Dany TROM; Philippe VAL; Judith WAINTRAUB; Marc WEITZMANN;
Yves Azeroual is a journalist, essayist, novelist, creator of several television channels including TV and programs including “Secrets d’Histoire”. He wrote and directed around fifteen documentaries.
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- CANADA : Le Point, October 28, 2020: “Being in favor of freedom of expression leads to being considered racist” . For uttering the word “nigger” for educational purposes, a lecturer at the University of Ottawa suffered an ordeal. One of his colleagues protests.
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- CANADA : Le Droit, October 27, 2020: “A new liberticidal disorder” – OPINION – “ We are professors of law at the University of Ottawa who today take the floor as citizens, in as academics and lawyers. We speak because the outside world must know that there is currently within and in the immediate fringes of our institution a toxic climate of intimidation which makes it possible to harass, intimidate and ostracize colleagues who have done nothing but bring a reasoned and reasonable word in the city. “
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- ITALY:, October 20, 2020: “Oggi il vero razzismo è contro i maschi bianchi” . Non c’è opera di Pierre-André Taguieff che non abbia contribuito in modo determinante al dibattito intellettuale francese.
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- UNITED STATES : Le Monde, September 6, 2016: “In American universities, freedom of expression becomes a struggle” . Faculties refuse “intellectually secure spaces” and procedures for reporting sensitive subjects that develop on certain campuses, explains “Courrier Expat”.
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- UNITED KINGDOM: Marianne March 12, 2016: “United Kingdom: when the Islamists infiltrate universities. ” Drab and disturbing: on British campuses, student unions stalk freedom of expression and block the intellectual debate.
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- UNITED KINGDOM: “Radical: my Journey Out Of Islamic Extremism” , Maajid Nawaz:
In the book by Michele Tribalat, “Assimilation, the end of the French model” (Editions Toucan, 2013) (statement here ) , the epilogue, titled “The Deer Hunter: the story of a repentant Islamist” , is a review of Maajid Nawaz’s book “Radical: my Journey Out Of Islamic Extremism” (not translated into French), published in 2013 in the United Kingdom but not translated into French and which recounts with great honesty what led to the recruitment of the author by an Islamist movement, Hizb al-Tahir (HT) , the liberation party. Maajid Nawaz founded a think tank, Quilliam , oriented towards the fight against extremism.
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Extract this epilogue: “The university does not know on which foot to dance with these protesting Muslims who want to found a union, which initially aims to seize power from the Salafists. The methods of the HT consist in wrapping their political discourse in a religious and multiculturalist wrapping in order to circumvent criticism and opposition: “unlike the student protests of the 1960s, by using religion and multiculturalism as a cover we brought an entirely new lexicon on Table. We knowingly present our political demands in the guise of religion and multiculturalism and label any objection to our demands as racist or intolerant. Worse, we were doing this with the generation that sympathized with socialism in their youth. […] On Form, we called ourselves Gladstone, Disraéli and parliamentary debates. We managed to trick the leaders into letting us install what was just a cover for the HT. “Maajid Nawaz compares his organization’s project to that of communism, with the advantage of the confusing religious dress:” because it was hidden behind religious dress, no one really knew what to do and people did not know what to do. above all did not want to offend ”a religious sensibility. The moral disarmament of institutions has therefore left the HT free to act as it pleases on British campuses. This strategy was served by a left committed to multiculturalism and which treated this movement as an ordinary “target population”. Today very critical of this positioning of the British left, Maajid Nawaz uses the analogy with the BNP (British National Party). If the latter had tried to take power on the campuses, the left would have mobilized and would have cried scandal. According to him, the only ones who saw clearly the danger of movements such as the HT were the Jewish Student Union and gay rights activist Peter Tatchell. They were not heard and the HT continued to thrive. “
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