
French Education

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”  Islamogauchisme, the betrayal of the European dream    – a film written and directed by Yves Azeroual

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“This film is dedicated to #SamuelPaty and to all the victims of Islamist terrorism. “

Why and how did a handful of intellectuals and politicians from the left and the far left, few in number but very influential in the media and in the human rights movement, imposed a veritable sanctuary of Islam in French political space to the point of becoming complacent with Islamism in the name of #PasDAmalgame? Why these intellectuals and these politicians, for the most part agnostics and libertarians, have they sunk into #IslamoGauchisme with its victim ideology and its culture of excuse? 

In his shocking documentary, Yves Azéroual identifies the roots of evil, points to the troubled actions of political, media, associative and intellectual figures, ideological complicity, and, in fine, highlights the risks, for our European democracy, of seeing the political and radical Islam prevail to the detriment of Enlightenment Islam. In a disturbing face to face with the extreme right. 

Speakers:  Jean-Luc BENNHAMIAS; Jean BIRNBAUM; Zorah BITTAN; Christophe BOURSEILLER; Laurent BOUVET; Pascal BRUCKNER; Jean-François COLOSIMO; Raphaël ENTHOVEN; Caroline FOUREST; Jacques JULLIARD; Djorje KUZMANOVIC; Christophe MADROLLE; Céline PINA; François PUPPONI; Mohamed SIFAOUI; Dany TROM; Philippe VAL; Judith WAINTRAUB; Marc WEITZMANN;

Yves Azeroual is a journalist, essayist, novelist, creator of several television channels including TV and programs including “Secrets d’Histoire”. He wrote and directed around fifteen documentaries.

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  • UNITED KINGDOM:  “Radical: my Journey Out Of Islamic Extremism” , Maajid Nawaz: 

In the book by Michele Tribalat, “Assimilation, the end of the French model” (Editions Toucan, 2013) (statement here ) , the epilogue, titled “The Deer Hunter: the story of a repentant Islamist” , is a review of Maajid Nawaz’s book “Radical: my Journey Out Of Islamic Extremism” (not translated into French), published in 2013 in the United Kingdom but not translated into French and which recounts with great honesty what led to the recruitment of the author by an Islamist movement, Hizb al-Tahir (HT) , the liberation party. Maajid Nawaz founded a think tank, Quilliam , oriented towards the fight against extremism.

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Extract this epilogue: “The university does not know on which foot to dance with these protesting Muslims who want to found a union, which initially aims to seize power from the Salafists. The methods of the HT consist in wrapping their political discourse in a religious and multiculturalist wrapping in order to circumvent criticism and opposition: “unlike the student protests of the 1960s, by using religion and multiculturalism as a cover we brought an entirely new lexicon on Table. We knowingly present our political demands in the guise of religion and multiculturalism and label any objection to our demands as racist or intolerant. Worse, we were doing this with the generation that sympathized with socialism in their youth. […] On Form, we called ourselves Gladstone, Disraéli and parliamentary debates. We managed to trick the leaders into letting us install what was just a cover for the HT. “Maajid Nawaz compares his organization’s project to that of communism, with the advantage of the confusing religious dress:” because it was hidden behind religious dress, no one really knew what to do and people did not know what to do. above all did not want to offend ”a religious sensibility. The moral disarmament of institutions has therefore left the HT free to act as it pleases on British campuses. This strategy was served by a left committed to multiculturalism and which treated this movement as an ordinary “target population”. Today very critical of this positioning of the British left, Maajid Nawaz uses the analogy with the BNP (British National Party). If the latter had tried to take power on the campuses, the left would have mobilized and would have cried scandal. According to him, the only ones who saw clearly the danger of movements such as the HT were the Jewish Student Union and gay rights activist Peter Tatchell. They were not heard and the HT continued to thrive. “

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.