Brig, Soren and Reidar: Look at what people do, not what they say. #liesdestroylives . Comprehend that people lie, and some are experts like your mother.
The worst criminal offenders are often the “most vocal” about victims.
- Police are most corrupt people in society (taking bribes)
- Catholic priests have the highest rate of pedophiles in society
- Politicians steal more money from poor people and give benefits to wealth, than any other demographic group.
- The worst child molester –PeterNewell is ACTUALLY RUNNING the UN Council on protection of children. You can not make this up.
When your mother claims “she is protecting you from child abuse”… any sensible look at the evidence and reality of the situation is that your mother is the child predator and the horrific abuser herself. Pay attention to what she does, not what she says. She is the wolf trying to hide in the hen house.
She is preventing you from talking to me because she does not want her child abuse exposed.
Be Brave, love papa.